There are various auto loan calculator, which you can find online. You can reach different amount if you use them, but about it car will give you an idea of the range of a loan, you need to do. With the auto loan calculator can often encounter the following terms:
-> Interest rate is a term used in auto loan calculator which refer to the annual charge for the borrowed money.
-> APR or annual percentage rate is used in auto loan calculator which refer to the yearly rate of interest and other fees or the costs paid to acquire the loan. APR combines the fees and interest into a single rate.
-> Term is used in auto loan calculator to refer to the length of time for the loan.
-> Cash down in the auto loan calculator refer to the amount of cash paid as down payment. Trade-in allowance used in auto loan calculator is the total dollar amount assigned to your car when trade-in for the car being purchased.
-> Amount owed in trade is the total loan balance still outstanding on the car being traded-in.
-> Taxable fees used in the auto loan calculator refer to any additional fee subject to sales tax. Non-taxable fees are those fees not subject to sales tax. This refers to document fees and other fees due at delivery and not taxable.
-> Sales tax rate required in auto loan calculator refers to the total number of sales tax on the purchase. In most states sales tax is computed by deducting trade-in value to the purchase price to get the sales tax amount. Some states based sales tax directly on the gross purchase price.
-> Total down is the net amount paid as down payment. This is computed by getting the cash down plus trade-in and then you deduct the outstanding loan balance on trade-ins.
-> Sales price in the auto loan calculator refers to the total price of the car. Loan amount is the total amount of your auto loans.
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